A trend in the online community today is Live Video Streaming. Some of the top social media platforms have adopted to LIVE Streaming and changed the way people connect and interact with their audience. Providing valuable content and keeping audiences engaged has become top priority for Brands today.
Experimentation with live recordings, online surveys and on-request video gushing for item promoting are a few thoughts that brands work intently on to present significant conversations for engagement. Content Strategies and Marketing Plans are now revolving around Videos, as theses have proved to garner high user engagement, conversion and click through rates.
It's time to take a look at some of the brands who are doing it right:
Curious Case of Buzzfeed
Many brands concentrate on not selling products but make money through advertising. These brands are more interested in acquiring followers and subscriptions by specializing in generating content that builds curiosity and attract attention of its viewers.
Buzzfeed used Facebook LIVE to stream a video where two people can be seen putting rubber bands on a watermelon. Sounds Foolish right? Well the amazing fact is, it attracted over 807,000 viewers in the 45 minutes the video streamed before the poor watermelon gave up. This is how Buzzfeed increased the viewership by simply building curiosity and everyone wants to know "How it ends!"
Targeting simple human nature of "Nosiness" has helped Buzzfeed acquire significant place in the digital world with millions of viewers and thousands of curated content to engage audience and build a marketplace for content.
Brexit meets Grazia
Live Debates are always popular especially when a leading Italian Women's Fashion and Lifestyle magazine wants to talk about it. Over a couple of week an international sub-division of it Grazia UK, streamed multiple events and gave audience BTS (behind the scene) view and made them feel they were part of the event themselves. However, the roundtable debate on Brexit was the most successful.
Debates are always popular especially when they involve audience participation. The Brexit events enabled audience to ask Live questions. The enhanced conversation and engagement technique made the audience feel like they were part of the event throughout.
Caking Donuts
When we say donuts the only name that comes to our mind is Dunkin Donuts. Who can resist the edible fantasy with colorful and delicious donuts it is known for. So when they decided to take their audience to their test kitchen to showcase how they come up with new products, it had to go viral.
On Valentine's Day Dunkin Donuts decided to take audience on a gastronomical adventure and highlight their new Donut Themed Wedding cake. Moreover, within no time they the video attracted over 36,000 viewers. While the number seems small, please remember we are talking about watching a LIVE video on how a cake is made and not a sports event or comedy show. That was one delicious product marketing.
So, what inspired you? We have so many more stories to share and help you take your brand to the next level. With curated services and round the clock support beLIVE can provide you with customized solutions and help you amplify your audience reach with the help of latest technology and experienced professionals to guide you every step of the way. If you are looking at going LIVE we can help.